Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Re Sale Shop

Window #2 Completed this morning at the Resale Shop. Congratulations Shirley on your new business venture and revamping your store! Once was Elegant Designs, specializing in fancy prom dresses and tuxedo's is now selling hip, fresh, and more "everyday" styles as well as still having a great selection of elegant gowns!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Busy Week

Whirl wind week of painting and hair! Here's a taste:

Art Lesson With Bryce:

Hair Feathers With Scarlet: 

And the beginning of window art for Elegant Designs Resale Boutique:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Color Wheel, lesson One

 First Lesson with Sarah, Exploring the color wheel!

Lesson One:
Learning the Color Wheel!
Primary - color from which all colors can be used to mix. ex) Red, Yellow, and Blue.
Secondary - color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors. ex) Green, Orange, Violet.
Tertiary - colors resulting from mixing equal parts of a primary and a secondary color.  ex.) Red-violet, Violet-red, Red-orange, Orange-red, Blue-violet, Violet-blue, Green-yellow, Yellow-Green.
Complimentary Colors - colors opposite of each other on the color wheel. ex.) green and red, yellow and violet, blue and orange. 
Art History Lesson One:
Piet Mondrian was born in 1872 in the Netherlands. He is most famous for using the primary colors to make pictures with. 
He started the De Stjil art movement which uses geometric shapes, straight lines, and primary colors to make a picture!
Sketchbook Assignments:
1.) Using markers, make a picture of your favorite animal using the primary colors. Try to take up the whole page, add scenery if you like, but only use the primary colors!
2.) color the objects I have drawn for you with paint by mixing the secondary colors!
3.) Using what ever you want (paint, markers, crayons, map pencils etc) create a picture of what ever you want! Use the whole page, and LOTS of color!! 
4.) Go outside and draw a picture of the scenery in front of you. (You can use anything you like, paint, crayons, markers, etc) use lots of colors. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Refurbishing the Old Metal Sign for Hairologie Salon

I have taken it upon myself to reduce and reuse by refurbishing the old 3x8 foot metal sign that belonged to former tenants "Cali Top Nails", some 15 years ago. After hours of scraping old vinyl stickers (note to self, to avoid blisters wear gloves...,) scrubbing glue and old paint off the surface, and adding three coats of gloss white exterior metal paint, I am left with this shiny wonder:

Next step is lettering. I worked my tail off for hours on this "H."
 After I got the hang of the measuring, drafting, and improvising I proceeded to letter "a" only to promptly stab myself in the leg with my Exacto knife. Thanks to Annie, salon owner, who swiftly patched me up and sent me home to "stere clear of shiny sharp objects." I was happily surprised that even though I had an inch deep gash in my thigh, the pain was little and the incident did not require stitches. With a wounded ego, I returned to my studio this morning to stare at the piles of poster board, and a promise to contact vinyl letter man Kenny first thing monday morning. I did however get my first real lesson in stencil making, a feat that requires lots of patience and a safety cap for said Exacto knife (apparently something I lost in the move...).